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Sheep Skins

Bear Creek Sheep Station offers tanned sheepskins that range in price from $80-150, depending on size. Each sheepskin is unique. The sheepskins are professionally tanned and can be washed (see below for washing instructions).


tanned hide 1
tanned hides 3
tanned hides
tanned hides 4
tanned hides 5
tannd hides 6

Washing Instructions for Sheepskins*


1. Rinse with cold water to wet the sheepskin.
2. Wash with Woolite or Murphy's Oil Soap in warm water on GENTLE cycle for

only 3 minutes (or hand wash). Longer washing time felts the wool.
3. Rinse in warm water twice with no agitation. Allow to go through the spin cycles.
4. Allow to air dry. Sheepskins can be blocked (pulled on) while drying to keep their shape and softness. Use a dog wire brush, wool card or hair brush to fluff the wool after drying if needed.

*NOTE: These intructions are from the tanning company. Bear Creek Sheep Station does not guarantee your results. Use caution laundering sheepskins. Dry cleaning is always a viable option.



Possible Uses of Sheepskins:

• Seat/Bed Covers (In the car, office, sofa, lawn mowers, wheel chairs, etc!)
• Warm in the winter, yet cool in the summer. Keeps you from getting 'sweaty back' syndrome. Plus, placed under the bottom sheet on your bed can help ease chronic pain.

• Decoration (As a bedside rug, on the back of your couch, on your bed, etc!)

• Fashionable AND functional!

• Gifts (For loved ones, newlyweds, pets, you name it!)

What better gift to give than a soft, useful, beautiful sheepskin?




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